
And Here I Go

I decided to start this blog as an experiment. It is my first real blog, unless you count a few entries in MySpace and Newsvine, neither of which I frequent much anymore, which may I may refer to, if not actually quote from the whole.

I don’t plan to completely abandon those platforms, but there are limitations have arisen with both in terms of what I wish to do with a blog, and the changes in policy of late have made it less appealing to me use [particularly Newsvine], although I have not yet come to the conclusions as how I will utilize them in the future.

The other reason I started this blog was because I find myself with more and more things I feel the deep need to say and address, including public trends, events, whether in the areas of spirituality, politics, mental health and psychology, and sometimes the downright superficial [Like the damn "Real Housewives of New Jersey" and the whole Giudice scandal.] I thought, why not gather them in one place? Such comments will inevitably turn into the occasional rant, but I will struggle to keep my musings from become a festival of childish, below-the-belt shots serving no constructive purpose whatsoever. I will of course, occasionally screw that up, and perhaps royally. [Then again, it’s my blog...] I will however, try to see this, own it, and offer honest explanation for it.

I am not, at present, surrounded by people to whom I can also so speak my mind, or certainly not as freely as I’d like or need. And since communication is part of the fabric of my being, which is demanding more and more often to be acknowledge and respected, so my own space in the world with windows open, leaving the free flow of energies, feelings, and thoughts, seems a natural next step.

I still don’t have all the details worked out this day in terms of content, connection to other online accounts where you may find me, and whatnot. Mostly I simply want to share more of who I am, and what goes on my mind as I encounter life, both as experiencer and observer, hopefully making good and full use of a very hard-won knowledge base. I know I will inevitably share things that from one end of the spectrum to another, even the outright superficial. And as I previously mentioned, it’s still in the construction stage. But if it becomes a too confusing aggregate of things, I hope to be the first to notice and address that. This is an experiment. Any reader feedback on the topic of blogging design, content, or focus, is welcome.

Well, thanks for reading this, my first official blog entry on this domain. Hope it has intrigued you well enough to return, at least long enough to find out whether it is really to your taste. I also welcome the suggestion of questions and ideas you might like me to address here. And a little superficial chit-chat now and then to lighten the mood is an absolutely necessity, if you ask me! So what’s on your mind? Let me know.

And of course, I will be sharing what’s on mine.

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